DIY Mozzarella: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Delicious Cheese Without Rennet at Home

Making mozzarella cheese at home without rennet is an enjoyable and straightforward process that can be achieved by using alternative coagulating agents, such as vinegar or lemon juice, which are commonly found in most households. This method provides a cost-effective alternative to traditional cheese-making techniques.

In this guide, we will use distilled white vinegar as the coagulating agent, but feel free to use lemon juice if you prefer.


4 liters of cow milk

2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar

1 teaspoon of salt

Steps for Making Mozzarella Cheese:

  • Start by heating the whole milk to a temperature of 32°C (90°F) in a large pot. This temperature range is critical for the coagulation process and plays a crucial role in obtaining the correct texture and consistency of the cheese.
  • Once the milk reaches 32°C (90°F), add the vinegar. This will cause the milk to start curdling, and the curds will begin to separate from the whey. Gently stir the mixture to ensure even distribution of the vinegar and prevent scorching.
  • Drain the whey from the curds by pouring the mixture into a colander lined with cheesecloth. Reserve the whey, as it can be used in other recipes, such as baking or soaking grains.
  • After draining the whey, transfer the curds to a large bowl and sprinkle with salt. It's essential to knead the salt into the curds until it is evenly distributed, which will help preserve the cheese and add flavor.
  • Knead the cheese for about 5 minutes until it is smooth and pliable. If the cheese is too soft, continue kneading it until it becomes firmer. If the cheese is too hard, add a small amount of the reserved whey to soften it.
  • Once you have achieved the desired consistency, shape the cheese into a ball or any desired shape. Placing the cheese in a bowl of ice water will help cool it and firm up the texture.

Store the cheese in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. Enjoy your delicious homemade mozzarella cheese. Remember, the quality of the milk you use will greatly affect the flavor, so always use the freshest and highest-quality milk available.